Anne Maxfield

April in Madrid

We met up with some friends in Madrid recently. It was our first time in Madrid and we had a great time! Here are some shots from our trip. Of course there’s lots of great food, enjoy!


Roasted Artichokes

A friend had posted pictures on Facebook of some roasted artichokes. They looked great, so I asked for the recipe. Roasting takes some time–plan ahead.


Hoisin Lamb Chops

It may seem like there are suddenly a lot of lamb chop recipes and there’s a good explanation for them. It’s artichoke season here and lamb chops and artichokes are such a good combination. These have hoisin, which my husband loves.


How Many Steps in a Buffet?

Wending my way through the buffet at an all-inclusive resort recently, a version of the Seasons of Love song from Rent, started to buzz through my head.
