App of the Week: Chefs Feed

Accidental Locavore Chefs FeedIf you, like the Accidental Locavore, often wonder where chefs eat when they’re not working and you’re not hanging out with one*, Chefs Feed is an amusing app. It lists the city’s best chefs for each of (currently) four cities with their favorite dishes, ranging from haute to hood. It’s not apparent how often the basic information is updated, but there is a” live feed” (Twitter) and it’s reasonably live.

If you’re hungry, tap on “Feed me Now” and a list of favorite dishes with your distance to them, comes up. This is not in real time, nor is it based in reality, just proximity. For example, since the Accidental Locavore is writing this within 0.6 miles of Columbus Circle, one of the feed-me-now dishes is Thomas Keller’s Oysters & Pearls at Per Se. If you’re familiar with Per Se, you’re chuckling now, if you’re not, just pick up a phone and see when you can book a table. 2012 comes to mind…

That’s where the “Plan It” button would seem to come in to play. When you touch it, you don’t get automatically directed to the phone or website (that comes later), you just get it added to your itinerary in your profile. If you should score a huge bonus and a table and order Oysters and Pearls, you can then tell everyone you ate it (the usual suspects, FB, Twitter and email) and rate the dish.

Chefs Feed is currently in Chicago, NY, LA and San Francisco, with plans to add Seattle, New Orleans, Boston, Philly and Washington DC.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 (more amusing than useful)

Chefs Feed

Developer/Seller: Credible Inc.

Cost: free

Compatible with: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry




*Masak, the Meat Week kickoff party and tonight, Mas la grillade (but I’m not saying who the chef is).


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