Locavore: Much like EatLocal, Locavore matches up where you are with what local fruits and vegetables are available. Where it goes slightly beyond EatLocal, is that it gives you a time-frame of how long that particular fruit or veg will be available and/or when it will be hitting your ‘hood. It also uses the GPS to show you farms and markets nearby that might have that produce. What it doesn’t tell you is that you have to keep tapping on the screen to bring up more locations (and then it gets a little confusing).
Another feature: you can log into your Facebook page and announce to the world what local food you ate. If you care that someone 3393 miles away ate spinach 16 hours ago, this is the app for you!
There is also a recipe section sponsored by Foodista.com, however there are no recipes listed for anything fresh in NY. Now I’m not telling you there’s no recipes for something esoteric, there are no recipes for peas, which according to the app are currently in season. It is also connected with the website Local Dirt, which lists places to buy local produce. However when I put in the zip code of the Union Square Greenmarket, it didn’t come up — big mistake.
Like EatLocal, it directs you to Wikipedia for definitions about individual fruits and vegetables Unlike EatLocal, you have to know to scroll to the bottom of the page, which at times can be at the end of a long list and hey, you do know what a pea is, don’t you?
If you needed a quick check on what was available in your local farmer’s market, this is probably a fine (free) app, but why don’t you just live on the edge a little and actually go visit your local Greenmarket? You might be surprised by some new and interesting produce and a local farmer happy to give you some cooking tips. Isn’t that better than any app?
App rating: 2 out of 5
Developer: Hevva Corp.
Cost: Free
Compatible with: iPhone, iPad (in iPhone mode), iPod Touch, Android
Website: https://www.localdirt.com/