This week at the 199th Blogging Boomers Carnival The Accidental Locavore has the honor of hosting (hostessing?). In the meantime check out how I did with the latest Charcutepalooza challenge: corned beef. Did it pass the fussy locavore taste test?
The rest of the Blogging Boomers want you to know:
Do we become more resilient in midlife? Do we face life’s challenges in a different way? Here’s the Midlife Crisis Queen’s take on these questions.
SoBabyBoomer tells us that most boomers will never see themselves in the current crop of retirement ads. There are two reasons why.
Dan, the Early Retired Man, tries to get a mortgage. But the rules are a lot more stringent than they used to be. Read more at The Boomer Chronicles.
Seaweed, an antidote to Japan’s reactor cloud? Read more at Vaboomer
Over at Contemporary Retirement, Ann has a video of a 90-year-old who is not only still skiing – she’s a ski instructor too!
And here at the Accidental Locavore, I was recently a winner of a contest to write a haiku about a dinner party disaster. The prize, a dinner catered by Chef Michael White, and the world’s biggest goodie bag. Check it out on next week’s blog. Don’t forget to print out this week’s cook-along recipe for blueberry caramel sauce.
What’s your favorite carnival blog this week? Please comment on the blogs and let everyone know what you think, we love the feedback!
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