Fridgescaping, if that doesn’t make your eyes roll heavenward, you’re probably spending way too much time on TikTok or a member of Gen Z.
What exactly is fridgescaping ?
Like tablescaping, manscaping, and probably many other “scapings” that don’t readily come to mind, it’s enhancing/decorating something you might not normally think of, in this case the interior (yes, interior) of your refrigerator. Bet that’s been on your vision board for a while.
Since we moved this week, if there was ever a time and opportunity to fridgescape, this was it. Lots of clean virgin space ripe for whatever.
But it’s not like the pantry scaping of last week/month/year. According to the article this is an opportunity to decorate the interior of your fridge with cute matching butter dishes, egg containers etc. But why settle for just cute? Your fridgescape can even have a Bridgerton theme presented by “a popular fridgescaper” (and my vocabulary was still stuck on influencer and adulting–guess I’m old).
Maybe it’s fridge envy–they’re much smaller here, but it’s normally all I can do to keep milk, salad ingredients and many small jars of stuff like mayo, pickles, yogurt etc. from taking over or getting lost in the dead zone. And forget about the freezer—or maybe I’ll start a new trend—freezerscaping, anyone got any tiny plastic penguins or polar bears to give to the cause?
Should my days be spent searching for matchy matchy jars? Done! At least 6 jam jars are being repurposed. Not the same you say? But they have my favorite matching labels—blue masking tape with black marker lettering.
Long ago, were my parents pioneers in the fridgscaping space with their stacks of matching red and white Hood’s cottage cheese containers? It was always a crap shoot as to which one of them might actually contain cottage cheese, now they could be considered fridgescapers.
So how would you fridgescape? What would your theme be? Color scheme? Me, I’m 2 days into a new fridge and you can see from the pictures how that’s working*…
*left: old fridge, mostly clean, center: new fridge day 1, right: new fridge day 2 & 3.
Thanks to my stateside friend Lisa for the Hood’s photo